transaction mechanism

英 [trænˈzækʃn ˈmekənɪzəm] 美 [trænˈzækʃn ˈmekənɪzəm]

网络  事务机制



  1. A Web service environment requires the same coordination behavior provided by a traditional transaction mechanism to control the operations and outcome of an application.
  2. The transaction mechanism takes advantage of the save operation's fail-if-concurrently-modified semantics to provide integrity.
  3. Research of Grid Transaction Service and Transaction Mechanism
  4. Due to people's ignorance of its function and scruple of its risks, the margin transaction mechanism has not been introduced into china's securities market, leading to china's securities market's deficiency.
  5. This study uses microstructure theory to analyze the operating and transaction mechanism of gold coin market in China and the speciality of its gold coin market operation.
  6. In this paper the concept of area frequency control responsibility error for regional electricity market and corresponding transaction mechanism are proposed.
  7. Then, the paper presents a prepaying transaction mechanism and a price strategy based on average profit margin.
  8. On the micro level, transaction mechanism of SQL Server provides data security control in more detailed scale.
  9. Peak regulation right and the corresponding transaction mechanism in electricity market
  10. This paper makes research on the core conception and feature of the distributed transaction, besides, it elaborates on the analysis of the WS-COOR/ WSAT/ WS-BA and BPEL's transaction mechanism with a specific example.
  11. To avoid access confliction under multi-user or multithreading environment, transaction mechanism is used frequently.
  12. Transaction Mechanism Based on BPEL
  13. The transaction mechanism provides a venture profit market, which is called peak regulation capacity transaction market.
  14. The stock market transaction mechanism had decided its market essence is investment also is speculative, its most main reason is the serious information which in the stock market exists is asymmetrical.
  15. Based on deal characteristics, competitive bidding model and bilateral transaction mechanism are designed.
  16. This paper compares transmission and transaction mechanism between information resource and knowledge based on analyzing the content of knowledge and information resource.
  17. By generating and executing compensation transaction automatically, the cohesion transaction mechanism may satisfy requirements of long-lived transaction.
  18. The fundamental research of financial market microstructure theories is the market transaction mechanism and the assets price forming.
  19. By way of setting up model of credit game, the paper analyses credit of free competition and credit transaction mechanism under of supervising.
  20. Margin transaction mechanism is an important channel connecting the fund flow between monetary market and capital market. Owing to its special function and operational mechanism, it is popular in the securities markets in developed countries.
  21. Study on Transmission and Transaction Mechanism's Comparison between Information Resource and Knowledge
  22. After anglicizing Java card objects, design a new object creating mechanism, Java card transaction mechanism and object management system, and then give a efficacious resolution of CAP file after analysis of resolution.
  23. The social transition changed China urban design transaction mechanism fundamentally, but a lot of rationed transactions exist in urban design do not keep up with the market economic development.
  24. Transactional memory is one of the most promising models in parallel programming for multi-core processor system, which introduces transaction mechanism to the design of parallel programs.
  25. The level and influence scope of settlement risk are subjected to future settlement system, transaction mechanism, settlement bank system, investor behavior and exterior environments.
  26. On this basis, the paper designs the frame of operation mechanism, including transaction mechanism, price mechanism, coordination mechanism and risk prevention mechanism.
  27. This article take this as a starting point, drew out the research background, the goal and significance, the basic concept and the rationale about the study on the financing transaction mechanism of Chinese forestry carbon sequestration market.
  28. It will become the research direction of this thesis that how to make the best production and price decision according to different uncertain customer demand conditions based on the understanding of unique transaction mechanism on this kind of product.
  29. Transaction mechanism is considered to be applied in web services composition to generate consistent and reliable outcome.